March Runner of the Month: Carson Edell Parker

When did you join NBR and why?

I flirted with NBR as a once-a-month attendee since 2018 but truly started coming to numerous workouts in early 2022. I love the convience of NBR workouts starting nearby, the people are super friendly, and running with a group is IMMENSLY more fun than running alone.

In what ways have you been involved with NBR? 

I volunteered with NBR for a couple of fun NYC Marathons and now help lead HellKatz, Thursday morning track.

What do you do when you’re not running?

Weekdays I generally help clients articulate their brand in built space as a project manager/architect with various late night Ice Hockey games. Weekends are often full of Museum trips, tinkering with furniture/lighting design, Softball at McCarren (come say hi, it's on Sunday!), and caring for my plants.

How did you initially get into running?

I love trying new sports and also consider running as one of the hardest workouts for the least amount of time. So generally started running to stay active in a free (relatively) and convenient (debatable) methods. 

What is your favorite race distance?

400meter I think but 1/2 marathon is climbing the ladder.

Best running memory?

In my first marathon, I did very little training and, of course, hit the wall mile 17. My friend Ty jumped on the course around the 20 mile mark and ran with me a good portion of the rest of the course. Absolutely wouldn’t have made it if it wasn’t for him.

Favorite running route in NYC?

I love checking in on all the NYC landmarks, so probably Kent to Brooklyn Bridge to West Side Highway back to Williamsburg.

Any running-related superstitions?

Not yet!

What has running taught you or changed about you?

When running, I'm continually reminded that the gift of being alive, being present, and in the moment, is by far the best gift provided to us as humans.

Running has an amazing way of refocusing you by requiring you to listen to your body, your mental state, and your surroundings.

Secondly, a growing belief in what my college baseball coach, Coach Wollenburg, used to say: 'The accumulation of little things, isn't little’.

Favorite post-race food?

Mo's General. Pizza is out of this world.

Favorite song to run to?

Anytime it's over 52 degrees, my inner kid wants to just run.

Favorite running social media account?

Not on social :)

What do you think is the worst part about being a runner?

Absolutely #1 is the amount of laundry.

Best advice to running newbies?

1) Run with a group!

2) Sign up for starter race! 

3) Increase mileage gradually.

Current running goal?

Sub 3:05 for NYC marathon in November!

Any other fun running facts about you?

I wake up with an abnormal, enormous amount of energy which has been extremely distracting to my teachers, bosses, and parents for a very long time. Running everyday makes me a more normal human, lol.


March Runner of the Month: Natalie Gleed


Meet North Brooklyn Runners' Valentines